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How did this book come about? Hear from Zachary and Jo in this video.
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Tourette Syndrome & Me

A book on Inclusivity and Acceptance

"I didn't want to come to school because I didn't want my friends to see my twitching. I am worried that my friends will laugh at me."

A book based on a heart-to-heart conversation between Zachary, a pre-schooler diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and his principal Miss Jo. How did Zachary overcome his fears and initial anxiety?

This book aims to:
● Help children develop empathy to build warm, kind, and respectful connections with others
● Raise awareness about different abilities and celebrate diversity
● Create opportunities for adults to have sensitive and healing conversations with children
● Empower children to inspire others. Through the process of creating this book, Zachary has become more confident; he hopes this book will help children all over the world understand TS and talk about it too.

We hope that this book will be an insightful read for all children and spark some meaningful conversations. 

Let us remember that no matter our differences, every child should be seen, heard and respected. And every child, like Zachary, can become an inspiration to the next.

Product Details:

Suitable for pre-school and primary school children

● Dimensions: 220mm x 220mm

● Format: Hardcover book

● AR & audio read-along

Language: English

S$25 (excluding $5 shipping & handling fee)

100% of the proceeds go to ECF charity initiatives. 

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